Friday, May 31, 2013

Dark Night

Have I mentioned how I dream about Batman all the time?  It would be nice to say I've had a dream here or there, but Batman shows up pretty regularly in my dreams.  Usually I'm Catwoman (FUCK, I forgot to put her in my list of hot badass ladies [which by the way now has more views than any other post, holla]), although occasionally I'm Harley.  The Joker is always my husband, and we're usually plotting how to finally get rid of that darn bat.

Batman has always been a favorite of mine.  I mean, him personally, but also the entire franchise.  He's a superhero without all of the annoying shit that usually comes with being a good guy.  He's the epitomal (this is apparently not a real word, and I am apparently in love with some parentheticals today) anti-hero, and it is wonderful.  He's not bogged down by all the rules of conduct that most heroes are, he's dark, and instead of being obsessed with what is "right", he's obsessed with justice.  Also he has the BEST villains.  I hate to keep comparing to Superman, but really, I can't understand why anyone likes that guy.  Superman has EVERY power, so he's stupidly invincible, except for his major downfall, a rock.  A rock.  Lois Lane is an idiot, and Lex Luther is just some rich corporate tool.  Whereas the Joker is the ultimate badass villain of all time.  He's brilliant, unpredictable, resourceful, psychotic, determined.  Not to mention the hoards of other amazing villains Batman has working against him, Ivy, Zsasz, Harley, Two-Face, Scarecrow, Grundy.  And amongst all this, Batman has to face his toughest enemy, his own fucking crippling torment.  I love it.

This next piece has absolutely nothing to do with Batman or dreams, and more to do with my own need to sack up and start being the ultimate amazing ruler of worlds I need to be.  I wrote it in my car on the way to a doctors appointment while I was stuck in that fabulous traffic that Austin is so known for.  So if it seems odd and jumbled, just remember that so am I.  In the words of the inimitable Kanye West, "I'm the only thing I'm afraid of".

Pinch Me

I will be a vicious bitch, all teeth and claws and flying fur.  I will stop shaking at their lecherous leering and hold my gaze steady until they look away in fear.  I will not shy away from the night, I will be a brutal queen whose slippered feet crush my enemies.  I am an Amazon, and I will protect my own self in this sweltering jungle of concrete and asphalt.  I will dance and sweat and sing to the heavens without thought of my physical form.  I must crawl out from this fucking cave and rejoin my light to the universe with all its novas and quasars and swirling nebulae.  I must wake up.

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