Friday, September 28, 2012

X-Ray Vision

Too much of the super serial.  I need to get back to the goofy, the evil, the world-conquering madness.  Like I talked about in one of my first posts, many moons ago, I have always had a penchant for evil motherfuckers.  Why are the bad guys so much more deliciously entertaining, and why do I ALWAYS inevitably root for them?  Probably because they are so much more human.  I hate to use Superman as an example, because he isn't human, but he's so flipping perfect that it's annoying.  He's nice and smart, and blah blah blah.  He has superpowers, and he uses them to save the world, and do good deeds, and get kittens out of trees.  No real person would do that.  They would just check out ladies in the locker room for awhile, and then go rob a bank.  Which is I'm pretty sure what villains do.  They have sweet lairs and death rays and check out chicks' boobs.  They have flaws, like anger and vengeance and greed and just plain homicidal crazytown.  I want to hug them all, and clink my gin martini against theirs, and cackle wildly.  They get to tell it like it is, and make the hero cry because he can't handle it.  Also lackeys!  I want lackeys!  I promise you, random internet readership, when my accounting prowess allows me to rise the ranks of political power and I become the lady that gets to sit on the Iron Throne, I will remember you.  And I'll have need of tons of lackeys.

(Speaking of evil geniuses, like myself, I'm gonna be an asshole and plug my friend's comic here.  It is absolutely brilliant.  The art is evolving at an exponential rate, the dialogue feels incredibly real, the characters are intricate, the story is about a fucking mad scientist.  What more could you want?  It's called String Theory, and it is dark and magical.  Go read it.)

This next piece is actually new.  I wrote it at the behest of a friend of mine who yelled at me for the last post I made, and told me to write something new, and gave me the topic of a recent encounter.  And while I thought it was wretched (thus the name), he told me it was "hot", and had "flair".  Anyway, I was sick and tired of being so dark and moody and godawful depressing in this blog, so I decided to post it.  Fuck it.  I can't be pretentious ALL the time.


Like a kid on a tire swing, I am giddy and awkward.  The first touch is blue electricity, you make me into a slack-jawed moron.  My brain puts out the Away For Lunch sign, and all my movements become animal.  Sharpened shoulder blades and snarling lips.
Fourth of fucking July
Tiny explosions
Claws and teeth
An order, a command
Pulling hair, pushing the wall
A bright white flash!
Sticky spots on the carpet and the corners of my lips.  Grasping for air, searching for clothes.  Awkward again, but a satisfied sense of a cat licking his lips after a bowl of milk.  I stretch, and give him a high-five for his dick.


  1. Seriously. I mean, Lex Luthor IS human and has his work cut out for him, he's up against a fucking alien that could drop him in a fair fight. So he has to play dirty and that's what makes it interesting.

    I think with Superman's powers, I'd get horribly intolerant of other people, too. I mean, when you think about it, the guy has to be extra careful to never flip his shit and accidentally hurt someone. Wouldn't that get old after awhile? Or would you have this inner sense of superiority, knowing that you could pretty much do whatever you want and you're just choosing not to? Could you coast by on that, or would all that false humility wear you down after awhile? I mean, wouldn't you want to get out there and see what you're really capable of, but you can't do around these humans because you're so used to repressing yourself?

    And oh man, I'm an avid fan of String Theory. Everything you said about it and then some.

    And hahahaha, I think the new piece has all 37 pieces of flair! It is hot, I like the immediacy of it and OK, I don't think there is a guy out there who wouldn't mind getting high-fived for his dick. It's totally sincere in a bro kind of way.

    1. Oh man, and plus like, orgasms are an involuntary muscle spasm, right? Like if he did Lois-on-top, he'd totally buck her into orbit or something, plus the money shot would break the sound barrier. Er, what was that one Will Smith movie? Right, Hancock! That is totally more how I picture how Superman would wind up, in his situation.

      Oh and re: bro sex, that is why I think I would make a horrible gay man. My instinct would be to be all like, "YEAH! YEAH! WE DOIN' THIS, BRO!" and then when I cashed it in, I would have to scream "HULKAMANIA" and rip my shirt. Then fist-bumps, high fives, and complicated handshakes. Totally bro as it gets.

    2. Also, does Spiderman have stringy webby semen? Superhero sex = mystery.

      hahahahahaha! Oh man, gay bro sex. You just gave me like, the best mental image of what that would be. You'd shotgun a beer, bend him over and take him to the sweet sounds of Linkin Park, and then pick up your ballcap off the floor and proceed to finish your game of Halo.

    3. Right! The Hulk is probably king of angry sex and shrinks back into Bruce Banner after he finishes, Batman's all about the gadgets, and Mr. Fantastic, actually now there's some superpowers that would be useful in the sack.

      Hahahahahahaha, I actually wonder if they even stop the Halo game. I mean, you don't REALLY need your hands for the sex part, and you can both face the TV, right? And a group thing could be 2 sets of bros and 4-player splitscreen.

    4. Poor poor Rogue. :(

      You know, I wondered about the possibilities of making nerd porn recently. Like doing it while doing a speed run of Mario, or tying someone up with modem cord. I guess if you could do that you could make bro porn. A game of beer pong that turns into a sexy competition. A compilation of Eiffel towers. I like it. Let's do it! We'll be millionaires!

    5. I KNOW. I feel bad for Rogue, but I'm like, couldn't she use one of those full-body condoms from The Naked Gun?

      And hahahahahaha, I've always wanted my own porn production company! I mean, and that is an awesome idea. Like, nerd porn ≠ a lady with a controller over her cootch. Instead, actual nerd porn, by nerds who understand nerds.

      Like for Mario and Zelda, how about filming our own endings for the games? I mean, "Thank You Mario" is nice, but shouldn't you see a proper thanking? Or Adventure of Link. "You saved Hyrule and are a real hero!" And the curtain falls, Zelda moves in closer, and roll credits. Leaving us, the playerbase, to imagine what happens next. We could totally remove the imagination part. Or oh geez live action scenes of ANY of the Honey Bee Inn stuff from FFVII.

      OK and on to the bro porn! LMFAO Eiffel Towers, we could be up to volume 15 of those by next year. A chance meeting in an Abercombie and Fitch dressing room leads to a hot situation. OH MAN, just think of the wingman angles alone. Like you preface the actual sex scenes by some deft displays of wingmanship. And the scripts even write themselves, you just have to look at whatever's at the top of reddit and film that.

      Seriously, this could make us rich, even after we settle the copyright infringement lawsuits. I'm down :D

    6. ahahaha, I always knew I was meant for greatness, but who knew it was in the porn industry? I mean, basically, we'd be creating live-action fan fics. It's brilliant.

      And dude, bro porn is the next new wave, I can see it.

    7. I know, you could even have high-end clients where someone pays us specifically to film their own fanfic. All, "Don't see it? We can make it."

      And what do we call it? Brorno? I'm totally thinking brorno, short for brornography.

    8. Agreed. At this point I'm more afraid we're going to unleash something upon the world, and have only ourselves to blame.
