Saturday, June 30, 2012

Guest Post #2

(Words are hard to come by these days.  Either they come out too gravitationally heavy, or light as a feather comments on the new DLC for Skyrim.  So while I work on healing, I'm passing the torch for this post over to Racy, a master chef, a dear friend, and a brilliant diamond of a person.  If I were ever going to become a serial killer, I would want her by my side.  -E)

All of us are lost until we are found, but most of us never find ourselves. Life is a, well, lifelong journey of expression and discovery, pain and despair, love, loss, anger, confusion. We all seem to be falling endlessly down (or up) this iconic rabbit hole and sometimes it feels like no matter which direction we reach in, we can’t seem to find a surface to grab on to. I’ve been finding lately that when you make a conscious decision to start digging- really digging- inside of yourself, sometimes you can be astonished, terrified, and liberated by what you might find. And sometimes you find a hidden person; maybe it is your child self, the self you wish to be, or even the self you have always been too scared of to let into the light.

Recently I’ve been coming to terms with the notion that if I ever want to really understand myself and why I am the way I am, I have to do the hard work to uncover my darkest memories, my deepest desires, and stare directly into the side of me I have always been too ashamed of to acknowledge. When you suddenly find yourself standing face to face with your greatest fears, part of you wants to run as far away and as fast as possible, but the other is paralyzed in fear and curiosity, and I’m beginning to believe that just because what you see might be broken, damaged, or torn, it is the withered part, the warped side of yourself, that can show you the most beautiful secrets in life. This little piece of writing kind of fell from my soul and onto the paper through my fingertips, and without intending to, gave me yet another little peek at the person hiding behind my eyes. Thanks to Emmy for letting me bogart her blog for an afternoon, I hope you enjoy!

The Looking Glass
I wonder, do you know who I really am? Can you see the darkness in my eyes like I can see in yours? Can you see how deep it goes? Because I see you; glorious, with wings black like the beetle. Under the peach of your skin I see the hot blood pumping, I can hear your heart beat too fast. I see you, Monster. Do you see me? Am I a mirror into the depths of your own well? I see each crease in your flesh like the rings in the trunk of a fallen tree, do you see my markings- the scars from touching too many flames? Are we equals or have we concocted this lie out of dried petals from the Autumns Crocus, spools of silver, the whispers of Cetus from beneath the waves...Again I ask- do you know how far this goes? Have you thrown the pebble and heard it's echo? I have danced with heavy feet naked against the cracked earth and watched my blood turn to mud as we became one with sacrifice. I find solace in the silence that fills the wake where breath should be, and in the dwindling of the spark in an eye. Are you afraid, Monster? Would you hide from my lips, teeth barred? Will you shrivel up in a grey cloud of smoke or will you turn to stone when I unleash? Are you afraid yet, Monster, he who is I? Do you see me now?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


We are about to get real up in this hizzy.  And by "real" I mean I'm gonna talk about a bunch of super serious stuff, and then pepper it with stupid words like hizzy to try to not be so fucking cliche and SUPER SERIAL all the time.

So, as I said in this post, something happened recently that has been a bit hard to talk about/deal with.  Last time I went back to my home town, I got raped.  And I spent the last two months trying to cope with it on my own, because I'm a strong lady and I've tackled shit this bad before on my own and been fine.  But after a few key instances of pushing people away that cared about me, and one fabulous man yelling at me that I was not coping as well as I was pretending, I decided to get some help.

I've been going to a support group for a few weeks now, and tonight was the first night I really let myself talk instead of sitting on the couch listening to everyone else and trying not to black out.  We didn't really delve into much, but we did scratch the surface of why I've been so hesitant to talk.  I told them that I was asleep during the assault, and because it wasn't a big violent incident I felt like an asshole complaining to these women who had had to be hospitalized, or could never have kids again.  I also mentioned that because it was so recent, I felt like MY problems could wait while we talked to someone who had been trying to cope for 20 years.  Everyone was super supportive (as you would expect in a support group), and the facilitator mentioned that this was very indicative of a deeper lying issue wherein I never thought my problems were big enough or bad enough, and that I tended to put other people's issues first.  She surmised that I often had trouble asking for help or things that I needed in my life.  It was then made abundantly clear to me that despite all my notions of healing and coping, I am still very much in shock over the entire event.

The facilitator was actually pretty wonderful and perceptive, like when she perceived that I had spoken enough and was completely frozen and vacant, she moved on to someone else.  I really feel like this group is helping me a lot, but every week I get these little panic attacks and don't think I can go.  And OH MAN, when I get out of group, normal everyday people start talking about problems, and I just want to scream "Your problems are stupid!".  Because really, the weather being shitty or your shoe being untied really strikes me as minor when these lovely ladies are trying to cope with sexual assault.  But like I kept telling myself tonight, this isn't a competition.  Everyone has problems.

Anywho, I might have lied about the peppering of funny things, because I guess I had a lot of super serial things to say.  And I'm sure I might talk about this more in the future, but I'm going to try to stick to dumb things like boys and world domination plans.  This is a dumb blog about dumb writing, and I'm going to try to stick to that.  So in that vein, here's this thing I wrote roughly two years ago, when I was feeling a bit introspective and mean, which is never a good combination.

I am
I am so tired, and can't sleep.
I am a loud angry obnoxious redneck with weird girl emotions and a penchant for cruelty.
I am not stable.
I am an exceptionally nerdy ex-drug using slut.
I am a literary genius, and a fucking slob.
I cuss too much, I smoke too much, I drink too much.
I cry too much.
I am loyal to a fault, but I flee from people who actually give a shit.
I am a fast driving woman with claws.

I am letting insomnia rot my brain.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Boil and Bubble

Lately I have been a woman filled with rage.  I had a big screaming fight the other day where I actually got all up in the other person's face and and yelled and cussed and threatened and made hitting motions with my hands.  That kind of thing makes me nauseous to even think about.  I've never really been a violent person.  I've only ever punched like... 3 dudes, ever.  One called me fat, one was rude to an ex of mine, and one threw a knife at me.  I know the feeling when the rage builds up inside of you and you feel like your skin is 100 degrees and the siren in your head starts to wail, and usually I force myself to step away from the situation before anything severe can happen.  I'm not really in control of myself in those situations, and I'm terrified to find out how far I'll go.

Back in high school (oh so long ago!) I got sent to an anger management class after a nasty little incident in which I might have mentioned a gun.  More on this story later.  I ended up getting kicked out of the class because the other people and the councilor were afraid for themselves.  It also ended up getting me kicked out of high school, but again, that is a long story for a later date.

My mom is the kind of person that will blow up easily, but just as easily forgive and forget.  Unfortunately, I inherited my father's rage, which is always right under the surface, ready to explode.  And the grudge-keeping, I got that too.  Which is something I've been trying to get over in the past few years.  When I moved away from the dark dank little chloroformed town of my upbringing, I really struggled to let it all go.  All of the pent-up hatred, all of the WAY too long kept infatuations, I really did strive to let it melt away.  And for the most part it did.  I'm now friends with a lot of the people I wanted dead because of decade old incidents.

And then something happened recently (again, I'll probably delve into it in a later post when I can talk about it) that made that old familiar rage come swimming back and made my eyes see red.  And I think I've forgotten how to cope with it.  I've been compulsively cleaning and organizing, making lists, scrubbing things clean that I've never even used.  I really just need to go to the gym and work off some of this frustration, but I'm terrified that I'll hit that exercise endorphin releasing moment and wail like a fucking banshee.

I wrote this next thing a few years ago when I was coming to terms with the stores of hate like blubber in my body.  It's pretty typical of every dumb thing I write, too much imagery, no content, sexual undertones, overuse of metaphor, and absurd references.  But it seemed to fit with my current mood, and this blog is nothing if not an excuse to log all of my failed writing attempts for the world to see, like public self-flagellation.  So here's my version of tying myself to a post and getting punched.

E can't write a novel, just a few good lines

Boasting, Bragging, Bravado.
But really just a timid girl afraid of what she might be, of the anger and violence she sees under the pale translucent skin of her chest. The pills numb, but never forget. And my cheekbones keep insisting that I'm fucking fine.

Just like Rivers with his butterfly, I destroyed the only beautiful thing to ever touch my life. I want to roll naked in the dirt, to cleanse my sins with earth as water never has. I want to consume you. I want your thighs to be my canvas. I dream of snakes and lizards and think of your body, your silent stare. I bite my thumb and pray the end is bloody and near.